MATLAB Modules

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== MATLAB Modules ==
== MATLAB Modules ==
'''[[Exercise:Sparse_Autoencoder|Sparse autoencoder]]''
'''[[Exercise:Sparse_Autoencoder|Sparse autoencoder]]''' | []
* checkNumericalGradient.m - Makes sure that computeNumericalGradient is implmented correctly
* computeNumericalGradient.m - Computes numerical gradient of a function (to be filled in)
* display_network.m - Visualizes images or filters for autoencoders as a grid
* initializeParameters.m - Initializes parameters for sparse autoencoder randomly
* sampleIMAGES.m - Samples 8x8 patches from an image matrix (to be filled in)
* sparseAutoencoderCost.m - Calculates cost and gradient of cost function of sparse autoencoder
* train.m - Framework for training and testing sparse autoencoder
'''[[Using the MNIST Dataset]]''' |  []
* loadMNISTImages.m - Returns a matrix containing raw MNIST images
* loadMNISTLabels.m - Returns a matrix containing MNIST labels
'''[[Exercise:PCA_and_Whitening|PCA and Whitening]]'''
'''[[Exercise:PCA_and_Whitening|PCA and Whitening]]''' |  []
* display_network.m - Visualizes images or filters for autoencoders as a grid
* pca_gen.m - Framework for whitening exercise
* sampleIMAGESRAW.m - Returns 8x8 raw unwhitened patches
'''[[Exercise:Softmax_Regression|Softmax Regression]]''' |  []
'''[[Exercise:Softmax_Regression|Softmax Regression]]'''
* checkNumericalGradient.m - Makes sure that computeNumericalGradient is implmented correctly
* display_network.m - Visualizes images or filters for autoencoders as a grid
* loadMNISTImages.m - Returns a matrix containing raw MNIST images
* loadMNISTLabels.m - Returns a matrix containing MNIST labels
* softmaxCost.m - Computes cost and gradient of cost function of softmax
* softmaxTrain.m - Trains a softmax model with the given parameters
* train.m - Framework for this exercise

Latest revision as of 19:55, 29 April 2011

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