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Here is a summary of the symbols used in our derivation of the sparse autoencoder:
{| class="wikitable"
! Symbol
! Meaning
| <math>\textstyle x</math>
| Input features for a training example, <math>\textstyle x \in \Re^{n}</math>.
| <math>\textstyle y</math>
| Output/target values.  Here, <math>\textstyle y</math> can be vector valued.  In the case of an autoencoder, <math>\textstyle y=x</math>.
| <math>\textstyle (x^{(i)}, y^{(i)})</math>
| The <math>\textstyle i</math>-th training example
| <math>\textstyle h_{W,b}(x)</math>
| Output of our hypothesis on input <math>\textstyle x</math>, using parameters <math>\textstyle W,b</math>.  This should be a vector of
the same dimension as the target value <math>\textstyle y</math>.
| <math>\textstyle W^{(l)}_{ij}</math>
| The parameter associated with the connection between unit <math>\textstyle j</math> in layer <math>\textstyle l</math>, and
unit <math>\textstyle i</math> in layer <math>\textstyle l+1</math>.
| <math>\textstyle b^{(l)}_{i}</math>
| The bias term associated with unit <math>\textstyle i</math> in layer <math>\textstyle l+1</math>.  Can also be thought of as the parameter associated with the connection between the bias unit in layer <math>\textstyle l</math> and unit <math>\textstyle i</math> in layer <math>\textstyle l+1</math>.
| <math>\textstyle \theta</math>
| Our parameter vector.  It is useful to think of this as the result of taking the parameters <math>\textstyle W,b</math> and ``unrolling'' them into a long column vector.
| <math>\textstyle a^{(l)}_i</math>
| Activation (output) of unit <math>\textstyle i</math> in layer <math>\textstyle l</math> of the network.
In addition, since layer <math>\textstyle L_1</math> is the input layer, we also have <math>\textstyle a^{(1)}_i = x_i</math>.
| <math>\textstyle f(\cdot)</math>
| The activation function.  Throughout these notes, we used <math>\textstyle f(z) = \tanh(z)</math>.
| <math>\textstyle z^{(l)}_i</math>
| Total weighted sum of inputs to unit <math>\textstyle i</math> in layer <math>\textstyle l</math>.  Thus, <math>\textstyle a^{(l)}_i = f(z^{(l)}_i)</math>.
| <math>\textstyle \alpha</math>
| Learning rate parameter
| <math>\textstyle s_l</math>
| Number of units in layer <math>\textstyle l</math> (not counting the bias unit).
| <math>\textstyle n_l</math>
| Number layers in the network.  Layer <math>\textstyle L_1</math> is usually the input layer, and layer <math>\textstyle L_{n_l}</math> the output layer.
| <math>\textstyle \lambda</math>
| Weight decay parameter.
| <math>\textstyle \hat{x}</math>
| For an autoencoder, its output; i.e., its reconstruction of the input <math>\textstyle x</math>.  Same meaning as <math>\textstyle h_{W,b}(x)</math>.
| <math>\textstyle \rho</math>
| Sparsity parameter, which specifies our desired level of sparsity
| <math>\textstyle \hat\rho_i</math>
| The average activation of hidden unit <math>\textstyle i</math> (in the sparse autoencoder).
| <math>\textstyle \beta</math>
| Weight of the sparsity penalty term (in the sparse autoencoder objective).

Revision as of 12:39, 7 March 2013