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The greedy layerwise approach for pretraining a deep network works by training each layer in turn. In this page, you will find out how autoencoders can be "stacked" in a greedy layerwise fashion for pretraining (initializing) the weights of a deep network.
栈式自编码神经网络是一个由多层稀疏自编码器组成的神经网络,其前一层自编码器的输出作为其后一层自编码器的输入。对于一个 <math>\textstyle n</math> 层栈式自编码神经网络,我们沿用自编码器一章的各种符号,假定用 <math>\textstyle W^{(k, 1)}, W^{(k, 2)}, b^{(k, 1)}, b^{(k, 2)}</math> 表示第 <math>\textstyle k</math> 个自编码器对应的 <math>\textstyle W^{(1)}, W^{(2)}, b^{(1)}, b^{(2)}</math> 参数,那么该栈式自编码神经网络的编码过程就是,按照从前向后的顺序执行每一层自编码器的编码步骤:
A stacked autoencoder is a neural network consisting of multiple layers of sparse autoencoders in which the outputs of each layer is wired to the inputs of the successive layer. Formally, consider a stacked autoencoder with n layers. Using notation from the autoencoder section, let <math>W^{(k, 1)}, W^{(k, 2)}, b^{(k, 1)}, b^{(k, 2)}</math> denote the parameters <math>W^{(1)}, W^{(2)}, b^{(1)}, b^{(2)}</math> for kth autoencoder. Then the encoding step for the stacked autoencoder is given by running the encoding step of each layer in forward order:
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The decoding step is given by running the decoding stack of each autoencoder in reverse order:
a^{(n + l)} = f(z^{(n + l)}) \\
z^{(n + l + 1)} = W^{(n - l, 2)}a^{(n + l)} + b^{(n - l, 2)}
The information of interest is contained within <math>a^{(n)}</math>, which is the activation of the deepest layer of hidden units. This vector gives us a representation of the input in terms of higher-order features.
栈式自编码神经网络指的是这样一种网络,它由多层稀疏自编码神经网络组成,前一层网络的输出作为后一层的输入。形式化来讲,让我们来设想一个n层栈式自编码神经网络,并沿用自编码神经网络那章的各种符号,比如<math>W^{(k, 1)}, W^{(k, 2)}, b^{(k, 1)}, b^{(k, 2)}</math> 表示第k层网络里对应的<math>W^{(1)}, W^{(2)}, b^{(1)}, b^{(2)}</math> 参数。那么对于该栈式网络的编码过程就是,按照从前向后的顺序,执行每一层的编码过程:
a^{(l)} = f(z^{(l)}) \\
z^{(l + 1)} = W^{(l, 1)}a^{(l)} + b^{(l, 1)}
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其中,<math>\textstyle a^{(n)}</math> 是最深层隐藏单元的激活值,其包含了我们感兴趣的信息,这个向量也是对输入值的更高阶的表示。
栈式自编码神经网络是一个由多层稀疏自编码器组成的神经网络,其前一层自编码器的输出作为其后一层自编码器的输入。形式上,对于一个n层栈式自编码神经网络而言,沿用自编码器一章的各种符号,假定用<math>W^{(k, 1)}, W^{(k, 2)}, b^{(k, 1)}, b^{(k, 2)}</math> 表示第k个自编码器对应的<math>W^{(1)}, W^{(2)}, b^{(1)}, b^{(2)}</math> 参数,那么该栈式自编码神经网络的编码过程就是依照从前向后的顺序执行每一层自编码器的编码步骤:
a^{(l)} = f(z^{(l)}) \\
z^{(l + 1)} = W^{(l, 1)}a^{(l)} + b^{(l, 1)}
通过将 <math>\textstyle a^{(n)}</math> 作为softmax分类器的输入特征,可以将栈式自编码神经网络中学到的特征用于分类问题。
a^{(n + l)} = f(z^{(n + l)}) \\
z^{(n + l + 1)} = W^{(n - l, 2)}a^{(n + l)} + b^{(n - l, 2)}
The features from the stacked autoencoder can be used for classification problems by feeding <math>a(n)</math> to a softmax classifier.
一种比较好的获取栈式自编码神经网络参数的方法是采用逐层贪婪训练法进行训练。即先利用原始输入来训练网络的第一层,得到其参数 <math>\textstyle W^{(1,1)}, W^{(1,2)}, b^{(1,1)}, b^{(1,2)}</math>;然后网络第一层将原始输入转化成为由隐藏单元激活值组成的向量(假设该向量为A),接着把A作为第二层的输入,继续训练得到第二层的参数 <math>\textstyle W^{(2,1)}, W^{(2,2)}, b^{(2,1)}, b^{(2,2)}</math>;最后,对后面的各层同样采用的策略,即将前层的输出作为下一层输入的方式依次训练。
从栈式自编码神经网络中学到的特征,可以通过向softmax分类器添加 <math>a(n)</math>的方式来解决分类问题。
通过将 <math>a(n)</math>作为softmax分类器的输入特征,可以将栈式自编码神经网络中学到的特征用于分类问题。
A good way to obtain good parameters for a stacked autoencoder is to use greedy layer-wise training. To do this, first train the first layer on raw input to obtain parameters <math>W^{(1,1)}, W^{(1,2)}, b^{(1,1)}, b^{(1,2)}</math>. Use the first layer to transform the raw input into a vector consisting of activation of the hidden units, A. Train the second layer on this vector to obtain parameters <math>W^{(2,1)}, W^{(2,2)}, b^{(2,1)}, b^{(2,2)}</math>. Repeat for subsequent layers, using the output of each layer as input for the subsequent layer.
This method trains the parameters of each layer individually while freezing parameters for the remainder of the model. To produce better results, after this phase of training is complete, [[Fine-tuning Stacked AEs | fine-tuning]] using backpropagation can be used to improve the results by tuning the parameters of all layers are changed at the same time.
<!-- In practice, fine-tuning should be use when the parameters have been brought close to convergence through layer-wise training. Attempting to use fine-tuning with the weights initialized randomly will lead to poor results due to local optima. -->
如果你只对以分类为目的的微调感兴趣,那么惯用的做法是丢掉栈式自编码网络的“解码”层,直接把最后一个隐藏层的 <math>\textstyle a^{(n)}</math> 作为特征输入到softmax分类器进行分类,这样,分类器(softmax)的分类错误的梯度值就可以直接反向传播给编码层了。
If one is only interested in finetuning for the purposes of classification, the common practice is to then discard the "decoding" layers of the stacked autoencoder and link the last hidden layer <math>a^{(n)}</math> to the softmax classifier. The gradients from the (softmax) classification error will then be backpropagated into the encoding layers.
===Concrete example===
To give a concrete example, suppose you wished to train a stacked autoencoder with 2 hidden layers for classification of MNIST digits, as you will be doing in [[Exercise: Implement deep networks for digit classification | the next exercise]].
首先,你需要用原始输入 <math>\textstyle x^{(k)}</math> 训练第一个自编码器,它能够学习得到原始输入的一阶特征表示<math>\textstyle h^{(1)(k)}</math>(如下图所示)。
First, you would train a sparse autoencoder on the raw inputs <math>x^{(k)}</math> to learn primary features <math>h^{(1)(k)}</math> on the raw input.
Next, you would feed the raw input into this trained sparse autoencoder, obtaining the primary feature activations <math>h^{(1)(k)}</math> for each of the inputs <math>x^{(k)}</math>. You would then use these primary features as the "raw input" to another sparse autoencoder to learn secondary features <math>h^{(2)(k)}</math> on these primary features.
接着,你需要把原始数据输入到上述训练好的稀疏自编码器中,对于每一个输入<math>\textstyle x^{(k)}</math>,都可以得到它对应的一阶特征表示<math>\textstyle h^{(1)(k)}</math>。然后你再用这些一阶特征作为另一个稀疏自编码器的输入,使用它们来学习二阶特征 <math>\textstyle h^{(2)(k)}</math>。(如下图所示)
Following this, you would feed the primary features into the second sparse autoencoder to obtain the secondary feature activations <math>h^{(2)(k)}</math> for each of the primary features <math>h^{(1)(k)}</math> (which correspond to the primary features of the corresponding inputs <math>x^{(k)}</math>). You would then treat these secondary features as "raw input" to a softmax classifier, training it to map secondary features to digit labels.
同样,再把一阶特征输入到刚训练好的第二层稀疏自编码器中,得到每个 <math>\textstyle h^{(1)(k)}</math> 对应的二阶特征激活值 <math>\textstyle h^{(2)(k)}</math>。接下来,你可以把这些二阶特征作为softmax分类器的输入,训练得到一个能将二阶特征映射到数字标签的模型。
Finally, you would combine all three layers together to form a stacked autoencoder with 2 hidden layers and a final softmax classifier layer capable of classifying the MNIST digits as desired.
A stacked autoencoder enjoys all the benefits of any deep network of greater expressive power.  
:自编码器  Autoencoder
:逐层贪婪训练法  Greedy layer-wise training
:预训练  PreTrain
:栈式自编码神经网络  Stacked autoencoder
:微调 Fine-tuning
:原始输入  Raw inputs
:层次型分组  Hierarchical grouping
:部分-整体分解  Part-whole decomposition
:一阶特征  First-order features
:二阶特征  Second-order features
:更高阶特征  Higher-order features
:激活值  Activation
张天雷(ztl2004@gmail.com), 邓亚峰(dengyafeng@gmail.com), 许利杰(csxulijie@gmail.com)
Further, it often captures a useful "hierarchical grouping" or "part-whole decomposition" of the input.  To see this, recall that an autoencoder tends to learn features that form a good representation of its input. The first layer of a stacked autoencoder tends to learn first-order features in the raw input (such as edges in an image). The second layer of a stacked autoencoder tends to learn second-order features corresponding to patterns in the appearance of first-order features (e.g., in terms of what edges tend to occur together--for example, to form contour or corner detectors). Higher layers of the stacked autoencoder tend to learn even higher-order features.
For instance, in the context of image input, the first layers usually learns to recognize edges. The second layer usually learns features that arise from combinations of the edges, such as corners. With certain types of network configuration and input modes, the higher layers can learn meaningful combinations of features. For instance, if the input set consists of images of faces, higher layers may learn features corresponding to parts of the face such as eyes, noses or mouths.

Latest revision as of 05:15, 8 April 2013

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